How can you love, miss and hate someone at the same time?
God, help me forget. I can't do it on my own. I prayed today.
I don't think any of you have missed Rbecca Black. The girl who sings about the weekdays because of her rich parents. I dont now what's worst, the lyrics or her voice? maybe both. WHAT DO YOU THINK ABOUT HER SONG?!
(seriously, I really want to know if there is any "fans" out there)
Although, Im not a hater. It's like the whole Justin Bieber situation all over again, silly. I mean, giving a 13-year old death threats? that's just screwed up. It's not like she destoryed the planet, jeeesh, chill.
Me and Mic was talking about going to the cinema this monday. We haven't been at the cinemas in 2 years together, insane. But then she came up with a another idea, we're gonna hang out in the city the whooooooooole day until we're gonna meet up Anna for dinner. We're obviously going to a chinese restaurant, but we needed to check with anna so I spammed her phone, haha. When she called up she was like:
A: "Do they have forks at that place? Or else I will probably eat for 2 hours or nothing at all...."
Me:" I think you'll have to bring your own..."
Stay beautiful! xx
Shades of summer
I went to the harbor today. Spent a couple of minutes just looking at the waves. Reminded me a lot of my special spot I had last summer. It was up on the top of a hill, I could almost see over the tree tops. I could really let every taught I had there. That's why it was special to me I guess. Unfortunately we're not gonna rent the summer house this year.
Staying up talking to Cody. He's mean,eating pizza infront of me. I'm teaching him new swedish words, god, I love how americans fail with the pronouncing part. Overall he is quite awesome tho, duuuude ♥
Du är vacker cody! =)
When the sun shines
Yesterday was siiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiick.
Seriously, over 20 degrees in the middle of APRIL?! oh my. You could go out like in the picture above without freezing, so nice. The summer seems promising for sweden. How did you spend the day? I sat on our terrace for hours, working on my embroidery, im doing New Yorks skyline. Actually working out really good. Im in shock, haha. After that I took a walk down to the harbor, I like the harmony it radiates. I use to go down there a lot last summer when I had to clear my head. I love the summer ♥
stay beautiful! xx
girl issue
yes, this is a shallow issue, but for christ sake, Im a girl. In the start of January I dyed my hair in hope to have brown hair for just about a month. But OF COURSE NOT, It got RED, and I still have red hair. Or I have, just to be fair, red/brown/blonde hair atm. I hate it, I want to be bloooooooooonde!
Let's hope this hair conditioner will drag it out!
stay beautiful! xx
Help people in need
Today, I needed to collect money for a project the church has which is "eradicate hunger", all across the world. I thought it was quite dificult to walk up to people who basically made up excuses and looked away when you were just about to approach them. I got a thinker, How can people be so god damn heartless? They don't think this exsist at all so they won't even bother to give a PENNY?!?! are you kidding me?! Did you know that huge parts of the operation scale is only with military? What about all the poor people with dictatorships?
This was a whole new experience for me. It was kind of a eye opener to the blind society. They don't know how much a $1 can do for a poor family. I gatherd around $15, which is 2 MONTH food for a poor family in africa or any other part of the world.
"If you wanna make the world a better place. Take a look at yourself and then make a change."
- Man in the mirrror - Michael Jackson
HAHAHAHAHH! You've never belive what just happend. My dad started to scream: "KIDDDS, IM ON TV!!!" so everyone rushed into the living room. He had been on the hidden camera, F-A-I-L-! Omg, we were all rolling around on the floor laughing. So funny.
The little girl asked my dad(she was washing windows and asked my dad for help because she couldnt reach the top windows. She said:
"Do you think I could hire you? You're good at this! You know, they pay some good money"
The little girl asked my dad(she was washing windows and asked my dad for help because she couldnt reach the top windows. She said:
"Do you think I could hire you? You're good at this! You know, they pay some good money"
H.O.L.Y. S.H.I.T.
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa - pause - aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaamn BOY!
Jag saknar dig
Today we went to the cinemas again, this time we saw the swedish movie "Jag saknar dig" or translated "I miss you". It is about twin sisters, Cilla and Tina, which has a very strong sister band, but one day, it all change. One of the sisters, Cilla, get hit by a car and dies in the side-walk. It all were very dramatic and I'm not gonna lie, I had my eyes teard up a few times.
On the other and, I did my oral english exam today. Belive me, Im not a fluent speaker when it comes to english, It's not my first language either. We got a quite of a discussion going on in the end. My teacher laughed at some of our statements, but it just made it more natural. I found my way of talking english: don't think, at all.
This has been a shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit day. It was raining, my english essay went shit(those visits to the college maybe wasnt as useful as I though, so I wasted 6 hours on that.great.), then my pshysics group did nothing on our project, it's fun to be in a group were only 3 people actually do something, the others play computer games and one acts like a fuckin control freak. Then everyone is gonna be so loud, all the time. So you can't concentrate and have to do everything at home. I hate group projects, it's like people get a easy way to a good grade. I have A in pshysics, and if this brings me down Im gonna hate everyone in my group. not kidding. I'm not gonna be their babysitter, please. THEN we have the fun part. When i was gonna work on my health essay, my computer wouldn't start. SO I've spent all that time as I waste too because it's all gone and I have to start all over. FML!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Till the world ends
Today has been just as every saturday. Waking up, listening to music, decide to do some school work, but then thinking "it's my only free day" so I end up doing nothing what so ever.
Anyway, Today I went to the store with Anna. After almost starting my health essay but then thinking "I want candy", haha. Great start on that, my teacher is gonna be disappointed with me,ha. We were seriously, in that store for like a hour and we only needed candy. But we got a little stuck by the gossip magazines. Jeeesh, it's so fun to read, even if I never do it. haha. I got to know that Justin Bieber has a girlfriend and Victoria Beckhamn is pregnant again, oui oui. My friend thought I was behind. well, excuse me for not participating in the gossip world. lol. We walked out with our candy(you can see my candybag on the desk in the picture, haha) and started our conversation that always takes like a hour to finish, whatever its about. haha. It was quite scarry going home, I hate it. This time there was a car that stopped and drove away when I was coming. bluuh uck bluuh, Im so scarred when im out alone. Thanks to that it has been a rapper in my area + near my school. Someone who wants to be my follow-me-home-to-the-door buddy? haha.
Stay beautiful! xx
#1 - How it all started.
I believe I got an intereste of photography from the first time I held my first camera in my hand. I took pictures of anything and everyone, like I still do. But it was in 2008 it all kicked-off. We were on vacation in croatia. I've never taken so many pictures of that time. Sadly, our computer crashed so they're all gone. Damn it. I think I saved some though. Any how, lately I've started to question my "passion" for it, photography is really expensive, which people don't seem to understand. But yesterday, in our english exams, there was a text about a girl and her camera. I can honestly say that I could of put my name on that text. It fit me exactly, her thinking, what she thought about it etc.
My friends can pretty much always expect that I have a camera with me, wherever i go. Okay, maybe not to the
supermarket, let's not kick it to overdrive. I take pictures because I see them as memories. I love to go through my pictures when it has been like 6 months, I get flashbacks. But I think I'm gonna take it down a level, I mean, I can see that I take 40 pictures of ONE leaf? waste of time.
Im gonna find a new way of photography.
My friends can pretty much always expect that I have a camera with me, wherever i go. Okay, maybe not to the
supermarket, let's not kick it to overdrive. I take pictures because I see them as memories. I love to go through my pictures when it has been like 6 months, I get flashbacks. But I think I'm gonna take it down a level, I mean, I can see that I take 40 pictures of ONE leaf? waste of time.
Im gonna find a new way of photography.
Did you guess it? hmm....yes/no? whatever, What I meant with "something everybody needs to keep their memories safe with them" was of course A CAMERA. My hobby is photographying. Just to have something to write about im gonna follow a list I found on my loved childhood friend Lisas blog.
#1 - How it all started.
#1 - How it all started.
#2 - Dream equipment.
#3 - My best picture.
#4 - My first SLR.
#5 - WHERE I want to shoot.
#6 - Before/after edit.
#7 - Inspiration.
#8 - This I wanna take pictures of.
#9 - One thing that I would love to be a owner off.
#10 - My cameras of all time.
this is me.
So I never really gave you a real input of who I am. I'm a Swedish girl who thinks of herself as one of the most strangest people on this planet. Or maybe I'm just being a teenager. It's what we do right? we don't think, we fuck up and leave things that doesn't appeal to us, such as homeworks. Even though I'm quite serious about school, (I'm in a geek-class so maybe that's what people expect. Im not complaining about being one of the "geeks" I actually quite like it. People leave you alone and let you mind your own business, It has opend my eyes to see how fakeness looks like from a distance), I'm more or less a control freak. I don't like when I can't handle things on my own, even if I know it all will work out fine. Like when you ride a roller coaster and you get to the top, you're at the point of no return. You have to let it all go and live in the moment. Jeesh, I wish life was just as easy like that. However, I'm in my last year of high school, so im graduating in just 2 months and 6 days from my school! CAN'T FREAKIN WAIT. Can you ever picture going to the same school, to the same classmates(almost), seeing the same teachers for 10 years? That's what I've done. One of my friends, Angelica, I've known since kindergarden, and that was 14 years ago. We've been in the same class for our whole school attendence. We're even in the same tennis group. It's sounds craaaazy now when I read it to myself. It's what the use to say I guess "time flies".
Oh yeah, that's another thing, I play tennis. It all started with that me and my friend Anna quiting soccer. I played soccer for about 2 years, so I was a late starter i guess(I was 12). It was a lot of fun in the end, but then we got put together with a h-u-g-e team, which included 50 girls. Insane. Maybe it was the right move for our team after all, we were only 11 players when that happend. Tennis was in the beginning quite hard to get a hold off, but our coach once told me I was the one that had developed the most. I feelt a bit proud in that moment. Then we have hobbies. Tennis is unfortunately something I only do get my ass of the couch. If you get friends with me I think you'd noticed what I had as a hobby quite fast. It's something I love/loved to be doing, Im not so sure at the moment. I'll tell you more about it later, maybe you can guess it? I'll give you a clue. CLUE: something everybody needs for keeping their memories safe with them.
Overall I would guess that people would describe me as a weird, happy, small little girl who can sit for hours just eating cookies. Ha, well, maybe not, who knows. I don't know if I just descirbed myself from my point of view? hmm. Oh well, it feels like Im writing 5 posts in one. And now I dont think about much then just how nice it would be to go under my cover, push my head deep into my pillow and close my eyes. I'm probably waking up by noon because of this. Who can blame me really though, sleeping is the best part of life, or well, after cookies, lol. I wish I had someone share my bed with, someone to cuddle up my dreams for now. One happy day that will happen to me, I hope.
Stay beautiful people! xx
Count on me
Sorry for not posting any the last couple of days. But I've been draging this cold around, Im literally living in a mountain of tissues. The guys in my class have even started complaing about it, saying that Im sick all the time, ha, like I didn't know that. However, Today me and my class saw a school movie called "the revenge" or as it's called in swedish "hämden". It was actually a denmark movie, ha, I didnt get a thing they said. It was all though quite funny because of the mix of laguages, Swedish, danish and one african language, they never really mentioned where that took place. The movie was overall quite horrible, a big boss in a african maffia cutting up pregnant women to see the sex of the child. Oh my....disgusting. Thank god that things, I hope, only happen in the showbusiness industry.
I feel so bad for people who have goverments that doesn't respects every individual freedom and human rights. I have a test about international politics tomorrow. I hope that it goes well, I need a A in social studies. really.
Sorry for not posting any the last couple of days. But I've been draging this cold around, Im literally living in a mountain of tissues. The guys in my class have even started complaing about it, saying that Im sick all the time, ha, like I didn't know that. However, Today me and my class saw a school movie called "the revenge" or as it's called in swedish "hämden". It was actually a denmark movie, ha, I didnt get a thing they said. It was all though quite funny because of the mix of laguages, Swedish, danish and one african language, they never really mentioned where that took place. The movie was overall quite horrible, a big boss in a african maffia cutting up pregnant women to see the sex of the child. Oh my....disgusting. Thank god that things, I hope, only happen in the showbusiness industry.
I feel so bad for people who have goverments that doesn't respects every individual freedom and human rights. I have a test about international politics tomorrow. I hope that it goes well, I need a A in social studies. really.
Stay beautiful! xx
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