the Iphone world

Jag blev med iphone i förrgår. Den är verkligen en liten guldklimp, älskar den redan.


On friday, the day you've been waiting for, the final test day. POWER THROUGH!!!! 

lovelovelovelovelovelovelove ♥

Iphoen attack

Had some fun with Louise's Iphone today, hahahhahaha, I can't stop laughing. It's amazing how much fun you can have with only a camera and a app. lol.

Freeeeeaking out

I'm sitting writing a society test in 15 hours, and I was thinking sleeping 8, gaaaarh, im never gonna make it. need to get a A, need to get a A, NEED TO GET A FUCKING A!!!

SnoooooooooooooooW !

It was snowing today. Fuuuuuuuuu. Its MAY for fuck sake. Thank god it has melted! ♥


HAHAHAHAHH! You've never belive what just happend. My dad started to scream: "KIDDDS, IM ON TV!!!" so everyone rushed into the living room. He had been on the hidden camera, F-A-I-L-! Omg, we were all rolling around on the floor laughing. So funny.

The little girl asked my dad(she was washing windows and asked my dad for help because she couldnt reach the top windows. She said:

"Do you think I could hire you? You're good at this! You know, they pay some good money" 

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