lata sommardagar

Jag har absolut igenting at blogga om, det är rätt dött. Ingen är hemma, alla har åkt ut i skärgården eller sitter i något land utanför sveriges gränser och steker. ååååååh, längtar tills juli då jag ska både segla och åka troligen till España. CYOU! xx


Bilder från midsommar förra året.

Jag hade en väldigt tråkig midsommar, vi bröt vår tradition som är att åka ut till nämdö i år. Vi satt och fika i båten istället, kul. (...) Inte för att det gjorde mig så mycket, jag har bara lekt med iphonen de senaste dagarna nu, haha. Så jag har inte så mycket att säga om min midsommar, vad gjorde ni andra för skoj? :)

The hangover

bilder från September 2010, efter NRJ konserten.
Ska åka och see uppföljaren till min favorit film the hangover. Hoppas den är lika aweeeeeeeeeesome som den första. hehe.
Stay beautiful! xx

Broken angels

Sitter och lyssnar på musik i soffan. Känns som den här dagen blev relativt ogjord. Jag har inte kommit ur soffan än, vet inte ens vad jag har hållt på med alla dem här timmarna. Jag får heller inte gå ut på promenad för att det är för sent nu, den är 16:30, så går det med en överbeskyddande mamma. Jag väntar också spännt på gymnasie resultaten som kommer om 2 veckor. Jag hoppas jag klarar mig, verkligen. 

Stay beautiful! xx

Let's go back to where we belong

Jag känner att det är dags att ta tillbaka det svenska språket. Det är trotsallt det finaste språket jag vet. Jag skrev mer på engelska för att jag ä-l-s-k-a-r det, plus att jag tänkte att det kanske kunde leda till ett bättre betyg. Vilket det gjorde, ni läser om MVG barnet nu. Något jag faktiskt rekommenderar, vill ni ha högre betyg i engelska, blogga på engelska. Jag upptäckte många ord jag stavade fel och grammatiska fel. Men jag tänkte inte börja blogga helt på svenska, jag har fortfarande vänner från andra länder som också ska kunna läsa(get my point..?). 
Jag ska göra små sammanfattningar på engelska längst ner helt enkelt, eller om det är mindre inlägg blir det helt på engelska. Skiter i Google translator boxen, den är ju hur dålig som helst. 

So, It's time to cut back on the english front. After all swedish is my first language still. But don't worry, I'm gonna do some small summaries at the end of each post for you, like im doing right now. I'm not giving the google translator box any credit, it sucks in other words.  

Cyou very soon, Stay beautiful! xx

Summer is here!!

Get outside, get tan lines, eat tons of ice-cream and enjoy life!

Stay beautiful! xx

I try so hard, but I'm still a victim of these streets

Im so fucking disappointed in myself. Everything is falling. I try so hard, but it's not enough. Everything seem so pointless, however how hard I put my mind into it, I still fail.


look, it's a unicorn.
haha, my humour is the best. Just thought you should know. you know. and that I got straight A's in the national exams in english. suck it. proud.
Stay beauitful bUtTeRcUpsssss! xx


Some booooooooty ♥
I'm getting ready for school at the moment. Our teacher told us that we didn't need to come to the first lesson so we're starting 10.35 am today, in a hour. So, I better get some society work done on my essay, need to fiiiiinish, I can do this! PART ROCK!!

Here I am to worship

This was a while ago guys...or I guess Im talking to myself by now. Its just so much in school, it's the last run to the finish line at the moment. So that's were I put all my time. Today I was at the last church confermation meeting. ONE AND A HALF WEEK TO ITALY! YES SIRRRRR!!
Last weekend was the class trip, it was fun. My class is quite awesome. I'll tell you more about that later!! 
NOW? society studies. I have one day to put together a whole

I'm a dreamer

Good night world! ♥

When the sun shines

Yesterday was siiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiick.
Seriously, over 20 degrees in the middle of APRIL?! oh my. You could go out like in the picture above without freezing, so nice. The summer seems promising for sweden. How did you spend the day? I sat on our terrace for hours, working on my embroidery, im doing New Yorks skyline. Actually working out really good. Im in shock, haha. After that I took a walk down to the harbor, I like the harmony it radiates. I use to go down there a lot last summer when I had to clear my head. I love the summer ♥

stay beautiful! xx

Jag saknar dig

Today we went to the cinemas again, this time we saw the swedish movie "Jag saknar dig" or translated "I miss you". It is about twin sisters, Cilla and Tina, which has a very strong sister band, but one day, it all change. One of the sisters, Cilla, get hit by a car and dies in the side-walk. It all were very dramatic and I'm not gonna lie, I had my eyes teard up a few times.

On the other and, I did my oral english exam today. Belive me, Im not a fluent speaker when it comes to english, It's not my first language either. We got a quite of a discussion going on in the end. My teacher laughed at some of our statements, but it just made it more natural. I found my way of talking english: don't think, at all.


This has been a shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit day. It was raining, my english essay went shit(those visits to the college maybe wasnt as useful as I though, so I wasted 6 hours on that.great.), then my pshysics group did nothing on our project, it's fun to be in a group were only 3 people actually do something, the others play computer games and one acts like a fuckin control freak. Then everyone is gonna be so loud, all the time. So you can't concentrate and have to do everything at home. I hate group projects, it's like people get a easy way to a good grade. I have A in pshysics, and if this brings me down Im gonna hate everyone in my group. not kidding. I'm not gonna be their babysitter, please. THEN we have the fun part. When i was gonna work on my health essay, my computer wouldn't start. SO I've spent all that time as I waste too because it's all gone and I have to start all over. FML!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Count on me


Sorry for not posting any the last couple of days. But I've been draging this cold around, Im literally living in a mountain of tissues. The guys in my class have even started complaing about it, saying that Im sick all the time, ha, like I didn't know that. However, Today me and my class saw a school movie called "the revenge" or as it's called in swedish "hämden". It was actually a denmark movie, ha, I didnt get a thing they said. It was all though quite funny because of the mix of laguages,  Swedish, danish and one african language, they never really mentioned where that took place. The movie was overall quite horrible, a big boss in a african maffia cutting up pregnant women to see the sex of the child. Oh my....disgusting. Thank god that things, I hope, only happen in the showbusiness industry.

I feel so bad for people who have goverments that doesn't respects every individual freedom and human rights. I have a test about international politics tomorrow. I hope that it goes well, I need a A in social studies. really.

Stay beautiful! xx


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