this is me.
So I never really gave you a real input of who I am. I'm a Swedish girl who thinks of herself as one of the most strangest people on this planet. Or maybe I'm just being a teenager. It's what we do right? we don't think, we fuck up and leave things that doesn't appeal to us, such as homeworks. Even though I'm quite serious about school, (I'm in a geek-class so maybe that's what people expect. Im not complaining about being one of the "geeks" I actually quite like it. People leave you alone and let you mind your own business, It has opend my eyes to see how fakeness looks like from a distance), I'm more or less a control freak. I don't like when I can't handle things on my own, even if I know it all will work out fine. Like when you ride a roller coaster and you get to the top, you're at the point of no return. You have to let it all go and live in the moment. Jeesh, I wish life was just as easy like that. However, I'm in my last year of high school, so im graduating in just 2 months and 6 days from my school! CAN'T FREAKIN WAIT. Can you ever picture going to the same school, to the same classmates(almost), seeing the same teachers for 10 years? That's what I've done. One of my friends, Angelica, I've known since kindergarden, and that was 14 years ago. We've been in the same class for our whole school attendence. We're even in the same tennis group. It's sounds craaaazy now when I read it to myself. It's what the use to say I guess "time flies".
Oh yeah, that's another thing, I play tennis. It all started with that me and my friend Anna quiting soccer. I played soccer for about 2 years, so I was a late starter i guess(I was 12). It was a lot of fun in the end, but then we got put together with a h-u-g-e team, which included 50 girls. Insane. Maybe it was the right move for our team after all, we were only 11 players when that happend. Tennis was in the beginning quite hard to get a hold off, but our coach once told me I was the one that had developed the most. I feelt a bit proud in that moment. Then we have hobbies. Tennis is unfortunately something I only do get my ass of the couch. If you get friends with me I think you'd noticed what I had as a hobby quite fast. It's something I love/loved to be doing, Im not so sure at the moment. I'll tell you more about it later, maybe you can guess it? I'll give you a clue. CLUE: something everybody needs for keeping their memories safe with them.
Overall I would guess that people would describe me as a weird, happy, small little girl who can sit for hours just eating cookies. Ha, well, maybe not, who knows. I don't know if I just descirbed myself from my point of view? hmm. Oh well, it feels like Im writing 5 posts in one. And now I dont think about much then just how nice it would be to go under my cover, push my head deep into my pillow and close my eyes. I'm probably waking up by noon because of this. Who can blame me really though, sleeping is the best part of life, or well, after cookies, lol. I wish I had someone share my bed with, someone to cuddle up my dreams for now. One happy day that will happen to me, I hope.
Stay beautiful people! xx