Jag saknar dig

Today we went to the cinemas again, this time we saw the swedish movie "Jag saknar dig" or translated "I miss you". It is about twin sisters, Cilla and Tina, which has a very strong sister band, but one day, it all change. One of the sisters, Cilla, get hit by a car and dies in the side-walk. It all were very dramatic and I'm not gonna lie, I had my eyes teard up a few times.

On the other and, I did my oral english exam today. Belive me, Im not a fluent speaker when it comes to english, It's not my first language either. We got a quite of a discussion going on in the end. My teacher laughed at some of our statements, but it just made it more natural. I found my way of talking english: don't think, at all.


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