1st MAY

First of all, I suck at this. Second of all, I love anna.
Yesterday it was valborg in sweden, there isnt really any translation for it but I guess I can call it the celebration of 1st May. Me and Anna had a fun night, first I was late because I ate dinner to late, so we did more or less a marathon to the busstop, I blame anna(ha!). Then we walked down to a place called nyckelviken. It was a cozy atmosphere down there, we watched the fire and bought a licorice strap, I got a caramel one, so good. After that we walked down to the water, it was a perfect barbecue place(the first picture). We're planning to bring our classmates there in the end of may sometime, before we go to italy(exciiiiited!!).
Anyway, anna is one of my closest friends, after this summer I've known her for 10 years. She's lovely, sparkling and prettttty(just look at the pictures, gosh.). We're probably gonna go to the same college(it feels wrong saying "college" because it isnt the same in swedish,haha) next year, so Im happy about that. And Im gonna work my ass off to get into the program that I want. Then I can maybe also see Raviiii, wiiiie, love you! :) xx


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